"Shark Tale" is the latest animated feature from DreamWorks, the same studio that gave us "Antz" and "Shrek." This new story can be called a cross between "Finding Nemo" and "The Godfather." It's no "Shrek," but it's still enjoyable. The voice talent was well cast, with Will Smith as Oscar, the ambitious "small fish in a big pond" who finds himself an instant celebrity; Jack Black as Lenny, a peaceful vegetarian shark; Robert DeNiro as Don Lino, Lenny's father, the head of a shark mob, etc. The animation looks good, and a lot of movie references are clever. Sometimes, though, the producers of the movie seem to be trying too hard. But even if it doesn't always hit the mark, "Shark Tale" is worth a look.
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
I just can't understand why "Shark Tale" is so underrated. I have watched this movie about 3 times and yet, I still can't get enough of it. The fact is that the characters were very entertaining, the animation was brilliant, and the story was great and was sending messages along with it, such as accept your destiny, be happy with who you are, accept others for who they are, and you don't have to live "on top of the reef" to be a "somebody." This movie also exposes us to the pop culture. What more does this movie need to to make it a good one? I mean this movie has it all: laughs and everything. Then why is it so underrated? I really don't know. I do know though, that "Shark Tale" is one of the best movie I have ever watched.
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
I personally think this is a good movie, yes there are better animated movies out there but i still think this movie deserves more than a 6.0 as an overall rating. It is a great family movie.I enjoyed this movie years ago and still enjoy watching it now, i think it is very funny for an animated movie, and i am sure many people will think the same. It has some great actors / actresses doing the voices for the characters. I would recommend this movie if you are a big animation fan. It has good music too. I also like the story line, sweet...Well worth a 7 / 10... maybe even more.